Animal & Plant Science

[Prerequisite- Biology]

Animal & Plant Science

Do you love animals? Making things grow? SST's Animal & Plant Science program teaches students to expertly care for living things and prepares them for a career as a veterinarian, vet tech, barn/farm/greenhouse manager, floral designer and many other jobs working with animals and plants.

SST boasts a veterinary technician station, aquarium room, greenhouse, small animal room, aquaculture tanks, floral design workspace and more. Students in the first year of the program learn how to care for both companion and farmyard animals, as well as study units on, animal behavior, aquariums, aquaculture, floral design, agri- business and animal rights and welfare.

Animal & Plant Science

Students in the second year of the program build on their skills with animals, plants and sustainable agriculture. They spend several months at a local horse barn studying equine science, greenhouse management and horticulture, explore animal nutrition and reproduction, and have the opportunity complete to complete and internship.

Animal & Plant Science

Students in Animal & Plant Science participate in the National FFA Organization, an organization that provides leadership and professional opportunities, as well as the chance to compete on both the local and national level.

College credit is available through Running Start, and this program also offers articulation agreements with several different colleges throughout the U.S.

Student placing fish into an aquarium
Student helping do a checkup on a dog
A student examining a ferret
A student working on a floral arrangement
A student helping to re shoe a horse
Veterinary work being done on a horse
A student practicing on a stuffed dog