Biomedical Science & Technology
Here you'll find out more about the Biomedical Science & Technology program at SST
Here you'll find out more about the Biomedical Science & Technology program at SST
The Biomedical Science & Technology Program at SST is a lab-based in-depth exploration of emerging technologies and innovations. While working in a real world, state-of-the-art laboratory setting students explore: gene modification, immunology, microbiology, genetics, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical drug discovery, forensics, AND more. Students will acquire advanced biological techniques including: DNA isolation, manipulation and sequencing, DNA and protein gel electrophoresis, diagnostic microbiology, plant and animal tissue culture, cloning, and more. Through recreations of actual industry investigations and through intense, novel laboratory research, students become skilled in the techniques in demand today.
The Biomedical Science & Technology Program at the Seacoast School of Technology is designed to prepare students to pursue a wide range of medical and scientific careers. Students have gone on to become: geneticists, cancer researchers, pathologists, medical doctors, molecular biologists, forensic scientists, genetic counselors, microbiologists, and so many more.
The Biomedical Science & Technology academic program features a Fully Equipped Lab including:
Real Life Experiences | State of the Art Laboratory | Authentic Research | An Engaging Program | Research Contributes to Local & National Projects | Setting You Up for Success
Students can contract for Honors Level or College Prep Level.
COLLEGE CREDITS: Students have the opportunity to earn 20+ college credits from The University of New Hampshire, Southern New Hampshire University, and Great Bay Community College.
NH SCHOLARS: The Biomedical Science & Technology Program counts towards the NH Scholars program and towards the NH Scholars STEM program.